Protest the arrest of students in Iran


Communiqué du Comité pour la liberté des prisonniers politiques en Iran:

According to news received by the Committee for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Iran today, December 2, the police forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran raided the house of left-wing student activists and arrested a number of students that had gathered there for the preparation of December 7 activities. December 7 is the University Students Day in Iran. Every year alongside university students, all factions of society organise protests and meetings on this day and express their demands. The students had announced that this year the meetings, activities and protests would be held on December 4.

The names of some of the students who have been arrested in the raid today are as follows: Anoushe Azadfar, Mehdi Garailou, Elnaz Jamshidi, Ehsan Azadfar, Nader Ahsani, and Saeed Habibi.

The police forces of the Islamic regime have also surrounded the University of Tehran in order to arrest some other student activists. According to the news that we have received, Behrouz Karimizadeh, Peyman Piran, Bijan Sabbaq, and Behzad Baqeri are among the students that have been trapped inside University of Tehran. As night approaches their arrest becomes more likely. According to the same news two other non-student leftist activists have also been summoned to the Ministry of Intelligence.

The Committee for the Freedom of Political Prisoners calls on all libertarian organisations around the world to react urgently against these arrests and put pressure on the Islamic Republic for the immediate, unconditional release of the arrested students. The Committee for the Freedom of Political Prisoners demands the immediate release of these students and the formerly arrested student activists, Ahmad Qassaban, Ehsan Mansouri, and Majid Tavakkoli. The Committee also demands the immediate release of worker activists Mahmoud Salehi, Ebrahim Madadi, Mansour Asanlou and all political prisoners.

We call upon all humanitarian and libertarian organisations around the world to protest against the Islamic Republic of Iran in every possible way and to send protesting letters to condemn the attacks of the Islamic regime against the people’s movements in Iran and in support of political prisoners.

The Committee for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Iran
December 2, 2007


Lettre de l’Organisation de jeunesse du PCO d’Iran à Amnesty international:

According to the news received by the Communist Youth Organisation of the Worker-Communist Party of Iran today, December 2, the police forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran has raided the residences of Anoushe Azadfar and Elnaz Jamshidi, arrested them, and taken them to an unknown place. Elnaz Jamshidi’s brother, who was inquiring about his sister’s situation, was also arrested. Mehdi Garailou, Ehsan Azadfar, and Nader Ahsani have also been arrested by the police forces. Saeed Habibi, another student activist, has also disappeared and there is no information about his whereabouts. Saeed’s family has not been able to acquire any information about him. Six student activists of Mazandaran University have also been arrested and have been taken to an unknown place. Some other students have been trapped inside the University of Tehran. The police have surrounded the university in order to arrest these students: Behrouz Karimizadeh, Peyman Piran, Bijan Sabbaq, and Behzad Baqeri.

The students have been arrested because of their activities towards the University Student Day on December 7. The main focus of the protests and meetings for this year is the arrest and torture of students and political prisoners and the United States’ military threats. Every year students and other sections of society organise meetings, demonstrations and marches that usually take place around universities.

The Islamic regime in Iran attacks any protest; it intends to oppress any resistance. Despite the regime’s brutality, students are determined to make this year’s December 7 protests and meetings larger and stronger than ever.

The Communist Youth Organisation calls upon Amnesty International and all other human rights organisations and libertarians around the world to condemn the Islamic Republic of Iran for the arrest of the student activists and to demand the immediate and unconditional release of them and all political prisoners.

Libertarians of the world!

Iranian students and youth are in need of your support to resist the anti-human Islamic regime in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran should be pressured in every possible way; the regime should be flooded with protesting letters; it should be opposed through demonstrations. The anti-human activities of this regime should be condemned and should be pushed back.

Communist Youth Organisation
December 2, 2007

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5 Réponses to “Protest the arrest of students in Iran”

  1. Weitere Inhaftierungen von Oppositionellen im Iran « Entdinglichung Says:

    […] Anoushe Azadfar, Mehdi Garailou, Elnaz Jamshidi, Ehsan Azadfar, Nader Ahsani, und Saeed Habibi eine Reihe studentischer AktivistInnen in Tehran, weiterhin wurden sechs Studierende in Mazanderan gefangen genommen und an einen […]


  2. pivert Says:

    Iran: dissident students arrested
    Publié sur WW4 Report le 7 décembre

    From the Polytechnic Free Campaign, support group for dissident students at Amir Kabir University of Technology (formerly Tehran Polytechnic), Dec. 6:

    On Tuesday the 4th of December, security police and masked intelligence agents arrested 28 students during a demonstration against the Iranian government. Some of them are detained in solitary confinement in the notorious high security lockup of 209 and some in the small lockup of the intelligence agency in central Tehran called Tracking office (Daftare Peygiri).

    The names of the arrested students, which were published by the website of the student base, are as follows. From the University of Mazandaran; Milad Moeeni, Behrang Zandi, Hamed Mohammadi, Arash Pakzad, Nader Ahsani and Hassan Moarefi.

    Saeed Habibi whom was a prior member of the central council of solidarity strengthening (Shoraye markaziye daftare tahkime vahdat). From the university of Tehran; Anooshe Azadfar, Behrooz Karimizade, Mehdi Gerayloo, Rouzbeh Safshekan and Rouzbehan Amiri. From the Polytechnic University; Ali Salem and Mohsen Ghamin. From the Al’ame University; Nasim Soltanbeigi and Saeed Agham-Alikhalili.

    From the Shahed University; Yasser Pirhayati. From the Industrial university of Sharif; Keyvan Amiri-Alyassi. From the Central Tehran Azad University; Ilnaz Jamshidi, Mahsa Mohabi, Ali Kallayi, Amir Mehrzad, Hadi Salaari, Farshid Farhadi Ahangaran, Amir Aghayi, Milad Omrani.

    The widespread arrestment of the students begun when Security forces raided the homes of a majority of the left winged students, whom were planning to initiate a demonstration on « Students Day » inside the Tehran University. Some of the students were arrested at the student day demonstration preparation meeting at the University by the Security forces. Even though it is prohibited for the security forces to enter the university, they crossed the threshold and in a very discussable and vicious attack arrested two students inside the university, and removed them from the complex.

    Even in the University of Shiraz, armed security forces brutally attacked Yunes Mirhosseini, a part of the student movement, hit him all bloody and kidnapped him. No information about the whereabouts of the detainment or the conditions of the imprisonment of Mr. Mirhosseini has been specified. However one can clearly see the connection of his arrestment and the involvement in initiating the student meeting.

    Besides Nasim Soltanbeigi whom called his family, and told them that he has been arrested, the families of the other students that have been arrested have separately attended the revolutionary court to gain some information about the conditions and the grounds of the arrestments of their children.

    In addition to the 28 students whom was recently arrested, so have these students; Ahmad Ghassaban, Ehsan Mansouri, Majid Tavakoli, Ali Nikoonesbaty and Ali Azizi been arrested by the intelligence agency and are detained in Evin prison.


  3. cyo news center Says:

    Letter No.2 to Amnesty International and all human rights defending organizations all over the world

    In our previous letter on 2nd of December we made you aware that Islamic Republic of Iran has arrested some students on the eve of Student’s Day in Iran and has done so in the most brutal way. Despite the arrest and threatening of activists and organizers of Student’s Day, on 4th of December, students organized the event in Tehran University. 30 people were arrested and now being held in Evin prison and unknown places. All the students have leftist tendencies and Islamic government treats its critics, specially those with leftist tendencies, very brutally and inhumanely and that has worried the families of those arrested, student activists and human rights defenders.

    Here you can see a list of those arrested on 4th of December and we hope you, with your quick and definite reaction, be able to stop the Islamic Republic’s crimes in relation to these arrested students and all political prisoners.

    1- Milad Moyini (Mazandaran University) 2- Behrang Zandi (Mazandaran University) 3- Hamed Mohammadi (Mazandaran University) 4- Arash Pakzad (Mazandaran University) 5- Hasan Maarefi (Mazandaran University) 6- Anooshe Azadfar (Tehran University) 7- Ilnaz Jamshidi (Communications, Azad University, Central Tehran) 8- Mehdi Gerayloo (Geophysics, Tehran) 9- Nader Ahsani (Mazandaran University) 10-Sayid Habibi (ex-member of the Central Council of Advare Tahkim Vahdat) 11- Behrooz Karimi-zade (Tehran University) 12- Keyvan Amiri Elyasi (Masters, Industry, Sharif Technical University) 13- Nasim SoltanBeygi (Communications faculty, Alame) 14- Ali Salem (Masters of Polymers – Polytechnic) 15- Mohsen Ghamin (Polytechnic University) 16- Roozbe Saf-Shekan (Tehran University) 17-Roozbehan Amiri (Computer sciences, Tehran) 18- Yaser Pir Hayati (Shahed University) 10- Mahsa Mohebbi 20- Okhtay Hosseni (Azad University) 21- Sayid Agham Ali Khalili (Alame University) 22- Behzad Bagheri (Tehran University) 23- Ali Kalayi 24- Amir Mehrzad 25- Hadi Salari 26- Farshid Farhadi Ahangaran 27- Amir Aghayi 28- Milad Omrani 29- Soroosh Hashempoor (from Ahvaz) and 30-Yoones Mirhossein (Student of Shiraz University).

    Ahmad Ghasaban, Majid Tavakolli and Ehsan Mansoori are also among those student activists from Polytechnic University of Tehran who are in prison and been tortured since February 2007 and have been condemned to 2 to 3 years of prison in unofficial courts.

    Students and youth of Iran are determined to continue their protests until the release of their friend and classmates and they need the widest possible international support to stand against the inhumane Islamic Republic of Iran. The Islamic Republic must be pressured to release them immediately. With your protest letters, protest gatherings and any other initiative demand the release of jailed students and political prisoners.

    Communist Youth Organization
    6th of December 2007


  4. cyonews Says:

    Timeline from Sunday 2nd of December to Tuesday 11th of December

    Sunday, 2nd of December:
    police forces of Islamic Republic raided the home of Anooshe Azadbar and Elnaz Jamshidi, Arresting them and sending them to a unknown place.
    Elnaz’s brother who went to police to pursue her sister situation has also been arrested. Mehdi Gerayloo, Ehsan Azadbar and Nader Ahsani have also been arrested, Sayid Habibi, a student activist, has also been disappeared and there is no news of him, friends and relatives of Sayid have tried to enquire about his situation without any result. Also 6 students from Mazandaran University have been arrested and send to an unknown place. A number of other students have also been under a siege inside Tehran University and the security forces of government are determined to arrest them. These students are: Behrooz Karimizade, Peyman Piran, Bijan Sabagh and Behzad Bagheri.
    Islamic government attacks any kind of protest and tries to strangle any voice of protest and yet students are determined to organize a glorious Student’s day.
    In continuation of arrest and oppression of leftist student activists, Monday 3rd of December, security and intelligence forces raided living places of leftist student activists and already at least 7 people have been arrested.
    Last night, few hours before the demonstration on 4th of December, at least 8 other student activists were arrested.
    Student activists, Nasim Soltan Beygi, Ali Salem, Majid Ashraf Nejad, and Mohsen Saghafi, have been most likely arrested last night.
    A student from Ahvaz is also arrested and his name is to be declared.
    These reports also say that security and intelligence forces raided the home of a student last night, to confiscate some stuff and arrest him.
    The last news that we have is that Mohsen Qamin, an active student from Polytechnic has also been arrested.
    Despite all these arrests and oppression of students, they all are determined to organize a demonstration on 4th of December. Today, 4th of December, students were present in and around Tehran University to commemorate the Student’s Day. Police Forces were present. Security forces were present in front of all doors, controlling everybody, and preventing students from other universities to enter. There were some clashes between security forces and students. But there was a large crowd going in and out. Leaflets of demonstration was distributed between students and installed on everywhere. These called on students to participate in today’s demonstration and support arrested students.
    There was a lot of movement around university and police repeatedly tried to break the crowd. A number of workers and teachers also made their way to university gates and wanted to participate. Some people have come from other cities. The crowd has been already mounted to more than 700 people.

    After reading a manifesto, “Open Mic” was formed and several students gave speech. Students protested the arrested and demanded the unconditioned release of all arrested students. Radical slogans by left students were shouted condemning the recent activists and atmosphere of strangulation. A number of left students were arrested in the course of demonstration. Open Mic was then ended and students marched to gates, singing hymns!! Students protested the arrests, summoning, and oppressive atmosphere of university and society and demanded the release of students.
    Simultaneous with student protests and Student’s Day celebration in Tehran University, the commemoration of the same occasion was organizes in Technical University of Anoshirvan in Babell, around 11:30 AM. That is while a few numbers of leftist activists from these universities are being prosecuted by security and intelligence forces and could not come to public! The event lasted for 2 hours and more than 200 people participated!
    On the same occasion, a number of Isfahan University students organized a 2-hours demonstration protesting what they called “political strangulation”. More than 100 students of Isfahan University participated in the demonstration with holding banners like “Abollish the Adnan Hasan’s poor execution decree”, “Political Prisoners are to be released”, “Appointed Director should resign!” Students also participated in a 1500-strong demonstration demanding opening of the closed political atmosphere of the university.

    Today, on 4th of December,
    Students from Boo-Ali University, Hamedan organized a demonstration in protest to student arrests and atmosphere of strangulation in universities. This was simultaneously with Tehran, Babol and Isfahan universities.
    A number of families of arrested students went to police status-tracing department and after asking a lot of questions there were told that their sons and daughters are in Evin prison and they will be freed after a full investigation. Most of the recent arrested people were transferred to the sections 240 and 209 of Evin prison.

    Wednesday, 5th of December,
    a demonstration in support of jailed and suspended students was organized in Law and Political Science faculty of Alame University. A number of students had a clash with university security forces and they succeeded in driving the forces out of the faculty. Students emphasized the formation of independent student grouping and a list of suspended and jailed students was read. Students shouted slogans in support: “Jailed students should be freed”, “we support you suspended students”, “students would die, but will not accept humiliation”.
    On Wednesday, 1:30 pm, the declaration of Vahdat’s Association in protesting the widespread arrest of Socialist students in the Tehran Universities was read in the court garden of Azad University, Tabriz. A number of Students from this university organized a protest gathering in the university campus in support of imprisoned Socialist students. This demonstration was sparked in the Canteen and students declared their support for imprisoned students with holding banners and shouting slogans and singing hymns. “University is alive”, “release our comrades”, “Evin Prison is open to students!!!”, “Today we are calm but not tomorrow…”, “down with dictator”, “Hurry up, comrade…” and lots of slogans like this were displayed on banners and shouted by students.
    Yoones Mirhosseini, a student activist from Shiraz University was arrested on Wednesday, 5th of December, around 11 AM in front of the university and with attacks of plainclothes forces. Security forces, armed, beated up this student and arrested him. After this, a number of Shiraz University students protested Mirhosseini’s arrest with gathering in front of the university. Protestant student shouted slogans and carried banners like “Award for the Student’s Day: arresting critiques”, “Yoones should be freed”, “Yoones Mirhosseini has been arrested, is here the freest country of the world??!” and etc. students also shouted slogans like “your claims to justice is shameful”, “Pinochet, Pinochet, Iran wont be Chile for you” and etc. and demanded the immediate release of this imprisoned student.
    On Thursday, 6th of December, a red day passed in the technical and engineering faculty of Azad University, Kermanshah. More than 700 students organized a student’s day in the campus. At 11’o clock a number of students played hymns and carried banners in protest. Students banners read: “we have nothing to lose but our chains”, “University is not a prison”, “Prohibition is prohibited”, “Bread, Peace, Freedom”. “Worker, Student, Unity, Unity”, “No to War, Yes to Love” and etc. and they protested the situation of university, society and the world.

    Sunday, 9th of December,
    a Student’s Day commemoration event was organized in Ferdowsi University, Mashhad in support of imprisoned students and solidarity of Worker’s and women movement. “Socialism or Barbarism” and “long live Socialism” banners were raised here.
    Students made a human chain and shouted slogans like “Jailed students are to be freed”, “Students would die but not accept humiliation”, “Long live Freedom” and “Long live Socialism” to show their unity in pursue of their demands.
    In the same day, a protest demonstration of students was organized in front of technichcal faculty of Tehran University and a vast number of students participated. This demonstration started in 1 PM and students read their declarations and strongly protested the recent arrests of students. They also demanded the immediate release of imprisoned students. The banners that students hold read: “Women’s liberation is society’s liberation”, “imprisoned students are to be freed” and etc.
    This demonstration took place while security forces circled the gates of Tehran University and made a siege. They blocked the people’s sight with putting Vahed Company buses in front of the university. Students held their banners and shouted slogans, showing their protest to students. They all moved to the gates of university and his led to a fierce clash between security forces and students and continued until 2:45. Students, shouting slogans, moved to the gates in “16 Azar” street and, with the aid of those behind the gates, broke them. They then went to “Qods Street” gates and broke that too. Considering the unprecedented arrests in last week, where more than 34 of left students have been arrested, Most of the student’s slogans focused on release of imprisoned students.

    Monday, 10th of December,
    Shiraz University students organized another demonstration in Eram’s Pardis on the university Campus. From the very beginning, ministry of intelligence contacted a few families of students and threatened the students with different methods. Security and intelligence forces had a permanent presence in the university campus. Students gathered in campus and went toward the gates and then started shouting slogans. Slogans included: Yoones Mirhosseini should be freed / Political Prisoner should be freed / the advocate of justice should be ashamed. One of the interesting points of today demonstration was presence of the family of Roozbe Saf-shekan (from imprisoned students) among students. They were greeted warmly by students. Roozbe’s father gave a speech and students supported him shouting “Roozbe should be freed”. Mr Iraj Saf-Shekan (Roozbeh’s father) spoke in support of Student’s day demonstration and condemned the widespread arrest of leftist students. He then called all the arrested student a “Roozbeh” of his own. Security forces of university, faced with warm welcome given to the Saf-shekan family by students, drove the family out and closed the gates.

    Tuesday, 11th of December,
    Mazandaran University witnessed a Student’s day commemoration event with participation of leftist students. From the very beginning one could spot the dramatic and unprecedented presence of security and intelligence forces in and outside the university. Considering the arrest of 3 students and with a barrack-like atmosphere of the university, Open Mic could not be organized and students only read the declaration from “Libertarian and Eglitarian students of Mazandaran University”. Shevane Merikhi and Reza Arab, student activists, were arrested before the event. There is no news of status of Sara Khademi, another student from Mazandaran University.

    Those arrested before 11th of December, numbered 36:
    1. Hamed Mohammadi – Economy, Mazandaran University
    2. Arash Pakzad – Social Science, Mazandaran University
    3. Milad Moyini – Anthropology, Mazandaran University
    4. Behrang Zandi – Anthropology, Mazandaran University
    5. Hasan Maarefi – Mazandaran University
    6. Ali Salem – Polytechnic university
    7. Ali Kalayi – Azad University
    8. Amir Mehrzad
    9. Mohsan Ghamin – Polytechnic university
    10. Yooners Mirhosseini – Bahonar Technical university, Shiraz
    11. Milad Omrani – Shahid Rajayi university
    12. Abed Tavanche – dismissed student of Polytechnic University
    13. Sadra Pir Hayati – Shahed University
    14. Roozbe Saf-Shekan – Masters in Political Science, Tehran University
    15. Sayid Agham Ali – Art University, Yazd
    16. Roozbeha Amiri – Faculty of Sciences, Tehran University
    17. Nasim Soltanbeigi – Faculty of Social Sciences, Alame University
    18. Mahsa Mohebi – Sharif university
    19. Keivan Amiri – Masters Degree – Sharif University
    20. Hadi Salari – Rajayi University
    21. Amir Aghayi – Rajayi University
    22. Farshid Farhadi Ahangaran – Rajayi University
    23. Sayid Aghakhani
    24. Okhtay Hosseini – Azad University
    25. Sorosh Hashempor- Chamran University, Ahvaz
    26. Mehdi Gerayloo- Masters for Geophysics – Tehran University
    27. Nader Ahsani – graduated from Natural resources faculty of Mazandarna University
    28. Anooshe Azadbar – Social Sciences, Tehran University
    29. Elnaz Jamshidi – Commmunications, Azad University, Central Tehran
    30. Behrooz Karimizade – dismissed student, Economics Faculty, Tehran University
    31. Sayid Habibi – deposed secretary of Tahkim Vahdat Student’s grouping
    32. Peyman Piran – Political Prisoner of 1999 events
    33. Majid Ashraf Nejad – Civil, Shahid Rajayi
    34. Shevan Merikhi – Mazandaran University
    35. Sara Khademi – Social Sciences, Mazandaran University
    36. Reza Arab – Mazandaran University


  5. ] Says:

    To all concerned We are writing to protest against the detention of Iranian student activists from December 2 and the repression of their political act

    Demonstrations for “students day” were recently held in Iran by the Radical Leftist students of Iran at the University of Tehran. Repression of these activities began in the days leading up to the demonstration; many left activists were threatened by the government and were urged not to go ahead with this demonstration.We have reports from Iranian student activists that students have been harassed, arrested and detained by the Iranian government for organising and protesting.Socialist Students stands in solidarity with these student activists and actively supports their right to assemble, organize, and protest and utterly condemns the repression of the Iranian government. Socialist Students is a socialist organization with over 50 groups in universities and colleges across England and Wales we are linked through International Socialist Resistance to groups of students, youth and workers in countries such as Pakistan , Germany, Belgium , USA , Ireland and many more , we will be contacting our comrades in these countries to protest with us against these actions by the Iranian government.Socialists, workers and youth across the world will be appalled and angered at brutal, repressive actions of the Iranian government and will be prepared to act in solidarity with those struggling against this repression.We demand that the Iranian government immediately releases all activists who have been arrested and immediately ceases all harassment of political activists also that activists democratic rights to protest, organise, assemble and demonstrate are upheld.Yours Sincerely
    Mat Dobson
    Socialist Students National Organiser on behalf of Socialist Students


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