Posts Tagged ‘solidarité internationale’

Free the Maruti Workers !

20 mars 2017

Le tribunal de Gurgaon (Inde) a condamné samedi dernier 13 syndicalistes à la prison à perpétuité suite à la mort d’un cadre de Maruti Suzuki lors d’émeutes en 2012.

Free the Maruti Workers! 13 Maruti Union members given ‘Life Sentence’ for Struggling for Union Formation &Abolition of the Contract Worker System

13 of our brothers have been given ‘life sentences’ – including 12 Maruti Suzuki Workers Union body members – on the baseless charge of ‘murder’ on 18 March afternoon by the Gurgaon Additional Sessions Court. 4 workers given 5 year sentences. 14 workers given 3 years, but have already spent 4 years in prison, so released. Of the earlier acquitted 117 workers who spent over 4 years in Jail, we do not yet know as to who will return the lost years. 148 already spent 4 years in Jail without bail since 2012 without bail and 2500 workers were earlier illegally terminated and then faced continual State repression.

We reject the falsehood that this is an ‘objective judgement’. The Prosecution Case and Judicial Sentence is based on no evidences, false-witnesses and pure class hatred. See here for details of the arguments. Workers had no involvement in the unfortunate death of the pro-worker manager who helped in registering the Union, Mr Avanish Kumar Dev – this is conclusively proved in the legal case from the Defence. The conflict on the day of 18 July 2012 started with a supervisor attacking a Dalit worker Jiyalal – who was later made into ‘prime accused’ in the case – with caste-based abuse, and the worker’s suspension. The entire case is part of management conspiracy to finish off the Union, an attack on the Right to Union Formation itself, and the demands–particularly of abolition of Contract Worker System–it was raising and symbol it became for workers struggle.

The nature of the legal case was informed from the outset by the vitriolic repressive manner in which thousands of workers were continually hounded after 18 July 2012 by the nexus of the management and government, including the Police, administration and labour departments. This Judgement – made in between turning Gurgaon and Manesar into Police camps – is directly anti-worker and heavily influenced by the interests of the Company management, to ‘set an example’, to sow fear and terror among all industrial workers in the country, particularly the belt of Gurgaon to Neemrana in Haryana and Rajasthan. The Prosecution in its final arguments – much similar to the Chandigarh HC order of May 2013 rejecting bail for workers – arguing for ‘death penalty’ for workers, talked of the need of restoring ‘confidence’ of capital, and the Prime Minister’s initiative of inviting global investors for ‘Make in India’. The confidence of these foreign and national capitalists depend on one thing: a cheap and compliant labour force, so no Unions or any raising of demands.

By specifically targeting the entire Union body, this Company Raj wants to tell us that the workers movement, the Right to Union Formation and other Trade Union rights as well as Human Rights of workers in the country will be simply (with illegal and legal means) crushed by capitalists and the State. The attack on our Union body members is been simply because they have been the leadership of the struggle against the management practices of exploitation of labour in the factory and waged a legitimate long struggle for trade union rights and dignity since 2011 with the unity of permanent and contract workers, demanding the abolition of the contract worker system, dignity in the workplace, and an end to exploitative practices by the management. And finally registered our Union on 1 March 2012. This workers assertion was not acceptable to the management and they wanted to crush our Union, especially after submission of the Charter of Demands in April 2012 which argued for abolition of contract worker system. So they conspired and escalated the conflict on 18 July 2012.

The struggle full of vitality and hope gave positive energies for other workers to fight similar exploitation in the industrial region and beyond from Honda to Rico to Asti to Shriram Pistons to Daikin AC to Bellsonica name a few. This collective workers assertion needed to be crushed and ‘taught a lesson’ in the interests of the company managements. Similar conflicts and cases of repression on workers movements have happened from Graziano Transmissions Noida, Regent Ceramics Puducherry, Pricol in Chennai and so on. This Judgement comes in the trail of these repression, increasing its tempo. And so, the industrial areas are being turned into Police Camps.

Maruti Suzuki CEO RC Bhargava has said this is a ‘class war’. And what the government dutifully is doing is to turn workers disputes with management into a ‘Law & Order problem’, to criminalize workers fighting for their Rights of Union formation and against the Contract System. We condemn this criminalization of workers.

We are not afraid, nor tired with so much continuous repression. IT is only by increasing the tempo of the unity of workers beyond the divisions of permanent and contract, and independent class assertion against the continuous attacks of the current Company-State regime of exploitation-repression, that we can take the struggle forward. Lakhs of workers in industrial areas are already doing solidarity actions since 9 March, and on 16 March, over a lakh workers in Haryana, Rajasthan, UP, Tamil Nadu did hunger strikes. On 18th immediately after the Judgement, 30000 workers in 5 Maruti Suzuki factories did an hour of ‘tool down’ solidarity strike even though the management tried to crush it as always by pressure to work and notice of 8 days pay cut. Since 16th March, there have been protests by various workers, students, human rights and other democratic organizations in over 20 cities, and deputations and solidarity positions and actions in 21 countries.

On 23rd March – the day of martyrdom of Shaheed Bhagat Singh – the Maruti Suzuki Mazdoor Sangh (MSMS), the joint platform of all 6 Maruti Suzuki factories have given the call of ‘Chalo Manesar’, for thousands of workers to gather and do a Protest rally in Manesar. We call upon all pro-worker forces to participate in this Protest. We also feel the need for a National Day of Protest, tentatively on 4th April. In this decisive and crucial hour, we appeal to all workers and pro-worker forces to stand with the demand to free the convicted workers, and wage a protracted struggle to ensure justice and workers rights, and show solidarity in whatever ways possible.

23 March ko Chalo Manesar!

Free the Maruti Workers!

End the Regime of Exploitation-Repression in the Industrial belts.

Provisional Working Committee,

Maruti Suzuki Workers Union

18 March 2017

Contact: 7011865350 (Ramniwas), 9911258717 (Khusiram) on behalf of the PWC, MSWU.


See: for updates

Voir aussi:


Irak: Soutenir les réfugiés qui fuient l’État islamique

19 août 2014

Traduit par Solidarité Irak.

La Fédération internationale des réfugiés irakiens travaille au Kurdistan d’Irak pour soutenir des milliers de réfugiés yézidis, chrétiens, arabes, kurdes et syriens dont les foyers sont attaqués par l’ « État islamique ».

Depuis un mois, nous avons fourni la nourriture et le logement à plus de 500 familles déplacées dans notre local de Souleymania.

L’ « État islamique ». est un mouvement barbare, fasciste, sans humanité. Il est responsable de meurtre de masse, il humilie les femmes, il est brutal et intolérant avec les autres sectes ou religions, il détruit la société civile. De partout, les gens fuient à la recherche d’un refuge.

Tout l’argent que vous enverrez ira directement pour soutenir ces gens. La Fédération internationale des réfugiés irakiens a besoin de vos dons pour continuer son travail. Nous avons besoin d’acheter plus de lait, de provisions et de vêtements pour les familles qui viennent chercher de l’aide dans notre local.

La Fédération internationale des réfugiés irakiens fonctionne grâce à des militants dévoués, sans salariés, avec de faibles moyens. Voici vingt ans que nous nous occupons des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées. Si vous pouvez nous soutenir, nous serons heureux de vous donner des détails sur la manière dont l’argent a été dépensé.

Pour envoyer vos dons :

Par virement bancaire
Nom du compte : International Federation of Iraqi Refugees (IFIR)
Numéro de compte : 21449591
Banque : HSBC
Sort code : 40-04-07

Ou par paypal

Téléphone 00 44 07 57 77 81 626 ou 00 44 07 89 56 36 633


Résister à la guerre (N. Dessaux, 2005-2006)

17 Mai 2014

Brochure pdf de 24 pages revenant sur le mouvement international contre l’occupation en Irak:


cliquer sur l’image pour ouvrir le pdf

Venezuela: reprise du procès contre Ruben González

8 septembre 2013

Ruben González, secrétaire général du syndicat des travailleurs de Ferrominera (Venezuela), avait été condamné en 2011 à 7 ans et demi de prison pour sa participation à une grève de 16 jours en 2009. Après 17 mois de privation de liberté, le jugement avait été annulé sur pression d’une campagne internationale dont notre site avait été le relais. Ruben Gonzalez, en liberté conditionnelle et baladé de reports en reports, repasse en procès pour les mêmes faits et les mêmes accusations:  conspiration, incitation au crime, entrave à la liberté du travail et violation d’une zone de sécurité. Une première audience a eu lieu à Caracas le 6 septembre, la suivante aura lieu le 27 septembre.

Ferrominera Orinoco est une entreprise publique d’extraction du minerai de fer dans l’Etat de Bolívar; une entreprise tristement connue. En juin 2011, par exemple, une bande armée attaquait une assemblée de travailleurs qui se tenait aux portes de l’entreprise: il y avait eu un mort et deux blessés. Des indemnités restent impayées aux ouvriers, la convention collective n’est pas renouvelée (elle a expiré en 2011). La relance du procès coïncide avec une reprise de conflit. En juillet dernier, des grévistes bloquaient une voie ferrée pour empêcher la troupe d’intervenir contre la grève. Plusieurs dirigeants de l’entreprise ont été récemment accusés de détournement de fonds (pour 1,2 milliard de dollars, peut-être plus), son président arrêté en juillet et remplacé déjà deux fois, par deux généraux.

L’organisation de défense des droits humains Provea a calculé en 2009 que 2.400 militants sociaux avaient été présentés devant les tribunaux vénézuéliens pour « violation de zone de sécurité ». Ruben González est soutenu par les travailleurs de Ferrominera, sa liste a de nouveau remporté les élections syndicales de juillet 2012. Face à la criminalisation des luttes sociales, pour la défense du droit de grève, restons mobilisés pour obtenir la liberté complète de Ruben González.



Unissons-nous contre l’assassinat en masse de mineurs d’Afrique du Sud !

23 août 2012

Communiqué du Parti de l’Unité communiste-ouvrière (Iran), 17 août 2012. Traduit par Stéphane.

Trente-quatre mineurs en grève ont été assassinés jeudi par la police sud-africaine. Soixante-dix-huit autres ont été blessés. Les travailleurs de la mine de platine Lonmin (une société britannique) à Marikana étaient en grève pour exiger de meilleurs salaires. Ils s’étaient rassemblés pour manifester lorsque la police a ouvert le feu sur eux. L’un des actes criminels les plus violents de l’État capitaliste contre les travailleurs a eu lieu à Marikana.

Le message est clair! Les agresseurs capitalistes exigent que les travailleurs soient obéissants, silencieux et continuent de vendre leur force de travail à bon marché sans aucune objection. Cette exécution en masse de travailleurs démontre la vraie nature du capitalisme et de son appareil gouvernemental, à savoir les propriétaires des mines, le gouvernement et la police.

Les travailleurs d’Afrique du Sud ne seront pas réduit au silence. Les travailleurs du monde entier ne doivent pas se taire. Ce massacre doit être condamné et ajouté à notre dénonciation du capitalisme. Les travailleurs et les socialistes doivent se rassembler devant les ambassades d’Afrique du Sud pour protester contre le massacre des ouvriers. Le gouvernement sud-africain doit être jugé comme  meurtrier des travailleurs. Des réunions doivent être organisées à la mémoire des mineurs assassinés. Toutes mesures visant à boycotter le gouvernement sud-africain doivent être mises en œuvre par les travailleurs, en tous lieux.

Le Parti de l’unité du communisme-ouvrier (Iran), avec les ouvriers militants et communistes et la masse de la classe ouvrière en Iran, ainsi qu’avec les travailleurs du monde entier, condamne énergiquement le massacre des mineurs par l’appareil capitaliste d’Afrique du Sud. La réponse des travailleurs au système qui les assassine pour avoir revendiqué des augmentations de salaire, c’est le renversement du système capitaliste et de ses gouvernements. La seule voie pour sauver l’humanité, c’est la révolution communiste de la classe ouvrière contre le système capitaliste.

A bas le capitalisme!
Liberté, égalité, État ouvrier!
Vive la République socialiste!

Workers in France!

31 octobre 2010


Message reçu du Parti communiste-ouvrier d’Irak.

Your latest protest movements against the proposal of Nicolas Sarkozy’s government to rise the retirement age from 60 to 62 years have terrified the ruling class. It can be easily seen, that behind the intransigence and arrogance of Nicolas Sarkozy and his government there is a real horror which cannot be concealed. They have the right to be terrified, when they see millions of you, workers, united under radical prospects and they see that you have been able to attract the support and sympathy of the majority of the society and show who the real masters of the society are and who controls the wheel of life in the society.

They are terrified by the dimensions, the impact and forms of international worker solidarity starting from the demonstrations of workers in Brazil to those in Britain. They were terrified by the announcement of Belgium workers to foil Sarkozy’s endeavour to compensate for the acute shortage in fuel as the result of the demonstrations, by turning off the pipes which take fuel from Belgium to France. You have shown Sarkozy’s government and all other bourgeois governments where the power of the working class lies. You have also shown that if the working class unites its ranks it can bring down this government and the rule of the entire bourgeois class, which means ever growing impoverishment, deprivation, unemployment and daily encroachment upon our living standards and the future of our children, their education, happiness and their economic and social security.

Through this strike you have announced in a clear voice that you are not ready to pay for the crisis of the bourgeois class, the class that during periods of its prosperity and rapid accumulation of profits, you gain nothing more than subsistence and during its crisis you have to accept more hunger, poverty and unemployment. We are the human beings of 21st century and have the right to enjoy all pleasures of life that suit the achievements of this era which are the direct result of workers’ hard work and suffering. You have stressed that you are not ready to accept this upside down world, in which the pension age has to be increased while the army of unemployed workers reaches millions in Europe alone. We cannot accept that the bourgeoisie deems it excessive for us to enjoy our retirement years after decades of hard work and miseries.

Workers of France!

With your massive numbers and united ranks in struggle to abolish the notorious retirement law, you have revived the hope among workers in Europe and worldwide and given them the strength, the will and resolve to face the various attacks by the bourgeoisie around the world.

This is not the first time you stand in the forefront to impose retreat on the policies of bourgeoisie united to destroy the rights and gains of workers during its deep crisis. The bright pages in the history of the workers’ movement in France are innumerable. Today’s struggle is not alien to the society of revolutions, and gigantic social and political changes. It is not alien to the inheritors of the history of the French revolution under slogan of “freedom and equality”. It is not alien to the descendants of the class which overthrew the bourgeois rule and established workers’ rule in Paris Commune and untold number of massive protest movements over decades.

Comrades, Workers in France!

Once again millions of your fellow workers around the world turn the eyes to your struggle, and the progression of your struggle gives them hope in victory. You are the representative of prosperity and happiness in France and the lives, and the power of workers around the world hinges on you and your struggle. If you defeat Sarkozy’s government, the workers of Europe and the world will be the first to enjoy the fruits of this victory.

Your victory will direct a strong blow to the economic attack of the capital and force it to retreat on the scale of France and worldwide. Moreover, it will revive a strong revolutionary spirit among the workers of the world and make them regain their confidence and enthusiasm to rise and turn the table on the bourgeois regimes and foil their agendas.

The latest demonstrations have proved that the working class in France enjoys high levels of class awareness, from organization and unity to radical labour and socialist ideas and aspirations. However, the working class in France is in dire need of Marx’s socialism and vision. It is in dire need of a Worker-communist party which is committed to advancing this struggle to achieve its urgent goals in prosperity and puts organizing the ranks of millions of workers and all disgruntled on the status quo in the struggle to overthrow this whole ominous system and build a society of freedom and equality as its urgent goal.
The Worker-communist Party of Iraq, the party of the communist workers considers the struggle of the workers in France an essential part of its struggle and the struggle of its social movement and class which has international dimensions. The WP Iraq calls on workers in Iraq and worldwide to support the struggle of our comrades in France in all possible forms.

Long live Workers in France
Long live workers’ internationalism
Long live freedom, equality and workers’ rule

Faris Mahmood
Secretary of the Central Committe of the Worker-communist Party of Iraq
26th October 2010.

Message de solidarité du Congrès des libertés en Irak

28 octobre 2010


(Message rapidement traduit en français par Stéphane suivi du message d’origine en anglais. )

Message de solidarité à nos camarades en France

Au nom de toutes les organisations affiliées à l’I.F.C. nous déclarons notre solidarité avec les travailleurs en France et notre soutien à leurs justes revendications.

La persistance de vos grèves, manifestations et protestations a stimulé le moral des travailleurs du monde entier et nous a encouragé de tenir bon contre les politiques du G8, du G20, de l’Organisation de Coopération de Shanghai (OCS), du Fonds monétaire international et autres institutions financières qui visent à faire porter le poids de la crise économique sur les travailleurs. L’austérité annoncée en Grèce et en Grande-Bretagne, et l’adoption de la loi sur les retraites en France, sont les premières étapes d’une reprise des droits du travail acquises par des luttes séculaires.

Nous, au Congrès des libertés en Irak, considérons que chaque progrès que vous obtenez pour le bien-être des travailleurs est une victoire pour tous les peuples épris de liberté de par le monde. Nous pensons que votre lutte opiniâtre est la seule approche ferme qui tienne face aux gouvernements d’Europe qui ont lancé des attaques contre les conquêtes ouvrières et tous les secteurs de la société (retraites, services sociaux, sécurité sociale, etc.).

Ici, en Irak, les travailleurs et les pauvres se réjouissent de votre combat quotidien, combat qui est une expérience révolutionnaire et une source d’espoir pour poursuivre la lutte contre la politique anti-ouvrière et anti-syndicale, y compris [ici] contre la liberté d’association, le droit de grève et de manifestation, politique qui diabolise toute opposition à l’occupation et impose à l’Irak les conditions du FMI, ce qui signifie davantage de chômage et de pauvreté…

Une fois encore, nous renouvelons notre soutien et notre solidarité avec votre combat et vos justes revendications.

Samir Adil

Congrès des libertés en Irak (I.F.C.)

26 octobre 2010.

A Message of Solidarity to Our Comrades in France

On behalf of all IFC affiliate organizations, forces, figures and supporters we declare our support and solidarity with the fair and just demands of the workers in France.

Your persistency on continuing strikes, demonstrations and protests have boosted the morals of the workers around the world and encouraged us to stand against the policies of G8, G20, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the International Monetary Fund and other financial institutions that intended to force the workers to carry the heavy weight of the economic crisis. The austerity announced by Greece and Britain, and the adoption of the retirement law in France are the first steps toward taking away all labour rights that were realized through struggles of centuries.

We in Iraq Freedom Congress consider each progress you make for the well-being of workers and a better world for humanity is an achievement and victory for all freedom-loving people around the world. We believe that your continued struggle is the sole approach to stand against the governments of Europe which have started launching attacks on the gains of workers and all segments of society such as retirement, social services and social security… etc.

Here in Iraq, the eyes of the workers and the disadvantaged are looking forward to your daily fight, which in fact is a revolutionary experience and a source of hope to continue their fight against the policy of outlawing trade union work including freedom of association, strike and demonstrations, demonizing any opposition to the occupation policy and the imposition of IMF conditions on Iraq, which means more unemployment, poverty and deprivation…

Once again we renew our support and solidarity with your fight and your just demands

Long live the fight of workers in France

Samir Adil of / Iraq Freedom Congress
